What is SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) ?

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SEO stands for Search engine optimisation. SEO is the process of modifying or optimising content or website to place it in top of the search engine results.

According to Wikipedia,
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a websiteor a web page in a search engine's unpaid results - often referred to as "natural," "organic," or "earned" results.

The web page which contains correct keyword density, backlinks, inbound links will rank higher. Generally SEO can be classified as black hat SEO and White hat SEO.

For Newbies, the terms may confuse so instead of merely answering "What is SEO? ", I am going to define all the basic terms related to SEO.

1) Keyword Density:

Keyword density is defined as the ratio or percentage of specific keyword to total number of words in the web page. The keyword density should be around 1 to 3%. If the article is over polluted with keyword, search engine may consider it as Spam.

2) Backlinks:

Backlinks is generally incoming links from one web page to other web page. Now a days, backlinks are more important for top search ranking and also backlinks are one of the factors in determining PageRank of a web page. More trustable backlinks, more trustable the web page is.

Top 5 ways to build quality backlinks

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3) PageRank:

PageRank is one of the factors considered by Google to show results in search engines. The top places in search engines are occupied by high PR web pages.

According to Google,
PageRank works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a rough estimate of how important the website is. The underlying assumption is that more important websites are likely to receive more links from other websites.

PageRanks are alloted from 0 to 10. Higher the number, higher the PageRank.

4) Organic Traffic:

Organic traffic, also known as natural traffic or earned traffic. The traffic which is achieved from search engine results is organic traffic. And the word traffic here intimate the human visitors who reads or visit your site.

5) White hat SEO:

White hat SEO, also called ethical SEO. When a webmaster optimise his website to search engine within the search engine's rules and policy is called white hat SEO. White hat SEO includes keyword optimising, manual backlinks building, writing contents both for readers and search engines.

6) Black hat SEO:

Black hat SEO is unethical way of search engine optimisation. Black hat SEO doesn't obey search engine rules and some of the common black hat techniques are keyword stuffing, using invisible texts, doorway pages etc.

Actually, these type of sites are not built for human readers but for Search engines to earn money quickly by placing lots of ads. Sites using black hat SEO are considered as spamming site and blocked by search engines.

These are the some of the commonly used search engine optimisation terms. Did I missed anything?  Tell us through commenting.


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