What is SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) ?

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SEO stands for Search engine optimisation. SEO is the process of modifying or optimising content or website to place it in top of the search engine results.

According to Wikipedia,
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a websiteor a web page in a search engine's unpaid results - often referred to as "natural," "organic," or "earned" results.

The web page which contains correct keyword density, backlinks, inbound links will rank higher. Generally SEO can be classified as black hat SEO and White hat SEO.

For Newbies, the terms may confuse so instead of merely answering "What is SEO? ", I am going to define all the basic terms related to SEO.

1) Keyword Density:

Keyword density is defined as the ratio or percentage of specific keyword to total number of words in the web page. The keyword density should be around 1 to 3%. If the article is over polluted with keyword, search engine may consider it as Spam.

2) Backlinks:

Backlinks is generally incoming links from one web page to other web page. Now a days, backlinks are more important for top search ranking and also backlinks are one of the factors in determining PageRank of a web page. More trustable backlinks, more trustable the web page is.

Top 5 ways to build quality backlinks

Top 50 high PR blog submission sites

3) PageRank:

PageRank is one of the factors considered by Google to show results in search engines. The top places in search engines are occupied by high PR web pages.

According to Google,
PageRank works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a rough estimate of how important the website is. The underlying assumption is that more important websites are likely to receive more links from other websites.

PageRanks are alloted from 0 to 10. Higher the number, higher the PageRank.

4) Organic Traffic:

Organic traffic, also known as natural traffic or earned traffic. The traffic which is achieved from search engine results is organic traffic. And the word traffic here intimate the human visitors who reads or visit your site.

5) White hat SEO:

White hat SEO, also called ethical SEO. When a webmaster optimise his website to search engine within the search engine's rules and policy is called white hat SEO. White hat SEO includes keyword optimising, manual backlinks building, writing contents both for readers and search engines.

6) Black hat SEO:

Black hat SEO is unethical way of search engine optimisation. Black hat SEO doesn't obey search engine rules and some of the common black hat techniques are keyword stuffing, using invisible texts, doorway pages etc.

Actually, these type of sites are not built for human readers but for Search engines to earn money quickly by placing lots of ads. Sites using black hat SEO are considered as spamming site and blocked by search engines.

These are the some of the commonly used search engine optimisation terms. Did I missed anything?  Tell us through commenting.

How to write a blog post?

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Writing a blog post is like, giving life to your blog. Blog posts are the important part of your blog, because readers visit your blog only for those posts not for your blog design or ads. So more lovely your posts, more readers you would get.

How to write a blog post?

Friends, I gonna share some tips which will answer your question " How to write a blog post? "

1) Be Unique :

Concentrate more on uniqueness of your posts. Don't copy some other's post and paste on your blog, It will spoil your blog's creditably.
Don't be one in thousands, Be unique.
More unique your content, more fans you would get.

2) Give your post, a beautiful name:

Impress your audience with words..
Choose more appropriate and impressive title which compel reader to click on your post. In search engines, more impressive titles works better than unimpressive one.

3) Give a Physique :

Like your body physique, giving a physique to your post is important. Even if you have more ideas or information on topic but if you fail to write those information in a well organised manner it won't perform well.

Before writing, map a structure in your mind, how are you going to organise the information?

I always write my posts in the following structure..

  • Introduce : introduce about your topic in few lines.

  • Subject : briefly outline your topic.

  • Content: write the information as points if possible.

  • Conclusion : finally conclude your post with your own view.

  • Call for action: you done a great job, so you have to get reward for it right? Always end your post with call for action like asking readers to comment or suscribe to blog.

4) Make your post beautiful:

Friends,  I challenge you, you can't see even a single post in my blog without picture. Inserting a picture into posts makes it beautiful, also photos register in user's mind more easily. So it will help readers to remember your post.

5) Don't be serious:

Even though, you are a serious blogger, don't show your seriousness in your posts always. Try to add some funny lines or ideas in your posts which makes your readers to enjoy.

In my own experience, I read one post in some other's blog, That author wrote about some offer. After sharing about offer he finished the post with lines "Don't run to laptop, go slow, offer will be available this whole day..!" With these lines, he made a point that offer will be available whole day also he registered about that in mind.

This is how I write my posts, No need to follow my foots but create your own style which will attract your audience.

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What is Niche blog, Nicheless and Microniche blog?

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Starting a blog is easy, but finding a perfect topic for the blog is most important part. With increasing number of blogs, the blogs take three different forms Niche, Nicheless and Microniche blog.

what is Nicheless blog

What is Nicheless blog?

A Nicheless blog is one, which has posts under different topics based on interests of the author.  Author can post on politics on one day and sports on other day.

The drawback of this blog is, "can't target audience ". Since you write on different topics, less people will suscribe to blog. This type of blogs get only low rankings in search engine.

What is Niche blog? 

Niche blog concentrates on single subject.  For example, PantherFix writes about Blogging. So PantherFix is a niche blog about Blogging.

But generating traffic for Niche blog is little tauffer. Since there are lot of niche blogs already in world wide web, which are authority sites on that particular subject. So it needs more time, dedication and hardwork to make your site popular. Once your blog became authority site, your blog will get lot of traffic from search engines.

What is Micro niche blog? 

Concentrating on particular and narrow topic on a subject is called Micro niche blog. For example, Fitness is a niche topic and dumbbell is Micro niche topic.

Generating traffic and money from these blogs are really easy. Since you are writing about a particular topic in detail, people will love to read these blogs. Also you can earn with affiliate links too along with othef Ads. If you are writing about dumbbells, you can provide affiliate links to buy it from amazon.

Also Micro niche blogs get ranks in search engines easier than niche blogs. Having keyword as domain name helps it to rank higher.

Starting a Micro niche blog is easy to get traffic, once your site started to get traffic gradually build your site and make it as niche blog.

Best Blogging platform : Blogger vs WordPress

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What is Blog?

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Okay guys, If you are here then you are trying to start your blogging journey. You came to right place, PantherFix help you to learn art of Blogging. Before going to blah blah definitions, I tell you a little story.

what is blog

Once upon a time, the world wide web is full of websites, which gives information but you cannot interact with the website owner or other fellow readers. Sometimes websites gave informations. This interaction less environment came to an end with development of Blogging platform.

The blogs are more interactive because blogs allow comments in its articles. So readers can express their views and can intimate if there is any wrong information in articles. New blogging environment attaracted people, as a result blogging is now occupied large space of web.

Now going to definition,

What is Blog?

A blog is a kind of website, which displays posts in reverse chronological order.  Blogs have more effective way for interaction like commenting. Blog is the abbreviated form of weblogs.

Now blogs move towards a other form. Yes now a days photos and video blogs are getting more popular and these type of blogs are becoming major form of digital marketing.

According to Wikipedia,
 A blog (a truncation of the expression weblog) is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web and consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first).

What is Blogging?

The term Blogging is used to indicate "Writing a Blog" Example: Blogging is my profession.

Who is Blogger? 

The term indicates two things :

1) Google's Blogging platform "Blogger"

2) The person who writes on Blog.

who can create Blog?

Do you think only people who are well versed in codings can create blogs? No, Its not correct. Anyone, who want to share his knowledge with others can create blogs. With help of Blogging platforms like Blogger and wordpress, its easy to create awesome blogs in few minutes.

What to share in Blog?

Its up to you. You can write whatever you love. Even you can write about your day to day life, love story to technology, sports  etc.. Nowadays Fitness, sports blogs are becoming more popular.

Are you ready for Blogging? Go Ahead and read other articles to learn basics of Blogging.